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April 2024, second week

· 2 min read

(← Start on the first week)


Monday 8th
In the morning, walking the kids to school (we live very close to it).


Tuesday 9th
In the afternoon at school: meeting with teachers and other parents about the current trimester.


Wednesday 10th
Morning. Meeting with colleagues at the office.


Thursday 11th
Sweeping the patio. Many leaves and flowers have fallen in the last days, and it's often windy around here.


Friday 12th
In the afternoon, waiting for the kids to finish their swimming lessons.


Saturday 13th
Enjoying great weather with friends at home (G. & P. and their kids). In the morning I took the kids to the park while my wife ran some errands, and we had a great time. Later at home, I made a Spanish omelette, pasta salad and oven baked nachos. Our friends brought bread, wine and pastries. We all sat and played outside for hours.


Sunday 14th
Again, enjoying the weekend and the warm Spring weather with (different) friends (P. & L. and their kids). Farm animals to see, lunch, dressage and falconry exhibitions, and great views of the region.

(→ Continue to the third week)