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Learning Linux/Un*x

· One min read

I've got a friend who is a software engineer too, but who has never worked with Linux or Unix. Now he wants to start learning something about it, so he asked me about good sources for beginners. My friend is a Java programmer with some work experience, so when I say “beginners” I just mean “newbies to Linux”, not “computer illiterates” or “programming dummies”. What he wants to learn (or rather what I believe would be best for him to learn) are the basics about Linux installation, configuration and administration, command line rudiments and tools, typical open source programming languages and environments and general development methodology. There must be some good general introductory-but-not-too-basic books, documents, tutorials and web sites out there. It's just that the ones I can think of (which I may have used in the past myself) are either in Spanish (which he can't read), a bit too old or centred on very specific aspects. Can you recommend any good source? What was your first book about Linux? Any classic must for beginners? He prefers books to web sites.