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Weeknotes: 2022, week 38

· 2 min read

[19–25 Sep]

I will be moonlighting as a (part-time) lecturer! A few days ago I signed the contract with a university which has a few campuses in the Madrid metropolitan area. I am going to (remotely) teach a subject about markup languages. The course is part of a two-year-long vocational training degree about web application development, and the job should take only a few hours of my time each week. The pay isn't great; I said yes to them mainly out of curiosity, to step a little bit out of my comfort zone, to learn something myself in the process, and for fun.

On Wednesday we had a programmed power cut in the building (block? neighbourhood?). Miss Entropy (who is not yet eating at school this month) and I had lunch together at the kitchen table by the light of a candle (that was totally unnecessary, but it introduced some variety in our day, and I thought it was cute). (My wife was working from the office.)

On Thursday Breaker of Horses got a couple shots: one as part of the official calendar of vaccination, and an “optional” one. He was fine and didn't suffer any symptoms (he never does).

On Saturday we joined my wife's family in the usual setting: BBQ, mats on the grass, drinks and sweets, long table talk, kids frolicking in the sun.

Toot of the week: