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Quotes by teachers–to–be

· 2 min read

My teacher training course took to an end. We still have to hand in a portfolio with some papers next week. But we already know that we all passed the course and that we are getting our certificate. Well deserved, because we worked really hard during these 11 weeks. That has been a crazy time for me — more than once I have been sleeping ridiculous number of hours several days in a row. I'm proud that I suceeded in balancing that with my new job. As I'm sure my classmates are proud of themselves, too. I am also thankful to the few people who are close to me and bore my misanthropy during these weeks. But we had many good laughs, too. And I met some interesting people (students, teachers and meta-teachers). In total, we were eight teachers of Spanish (of whom four Spaniards, three Colombians, one Argentine) three Italians and three French. This week we have been celebrating, also with our students. These are some quotes I heard and wrote down during the course.

“Si la violación es inminente, relájate y goza.”
        — Fernando.

“Acabo de tener una epifanía.”
        — Fernando.

“Un presente como los de antes.”
        — Fernando.

“Yo no quiero que mis niños se críen con Bob Esponja y con Dora la Exploradora*; quiero que tengan su mamá.”*
        — Ana.

“Siamo un binomio vincente.”
        — Isacco.

“Si italiana & francoparlante responden a todo, pero inglesa a nada → algo falla.”
        — In my notes.

“El subjuntivo: parte del problema está en la «fama» que tiene.”
        — In my notes.

“TRUCO DEL ALMENDRUCO. Cómo enseñar a principiantes a expresar opiniones SIN usar el subjuntivo.”
        — In my notes.

“Depende del contexto.”
        — The Universal Answer For All Linguistic Matters.

“Intentamos «esconder» al autor del error.”
        — In my notes.

“El [pretérito] indefinido está bien.”
        — Begoña.

“El pretérito indefinido es un pasado puro, ¿no?”
        — Begoña.

“El imperfecto es el presente del pasado.”
        — Vicens.

“Metapregunta [im]posible de un estudiante: «¿qué significa ‘¿qué significa?’?»”
        — In my notes.

        — Author unknown.

“No sé si ustedes lo conozcan.”
        — Ana.

“Sí. El matrimonio.”
        — Fernando, being asked whether there is a cure for love.