Weeknotes: 2022, week 9
[28 Feb – 6 Mar]
Two weeks ago was my last of paternity leave as such. Since last week I'm on a different type of absence: a shorter one that is given to parents of lactating babies to make it easier for them to feed the child while at work. In principle it's one hour less of work per day for a certain period of time, but I chose to concentrate it all in whole days, and that gave me an extra couple of weeks completely off work. (That's what most other parents choose to do too, for what I hear.)
Some days we had a few fights with Miss Entropy.
Tantrums, noes, whims…
Some days she's lovely, but others she links one annoying behaviour with the next, and it exhausts diplomacy and persuasion
(and patience).
On Wednesday, for instance, I had plans to go out in the evening to meet two different groups of people, each for a short while;
but I was so tired from dealing with the kids that I ducked out in the last minute and didn't even go out.
I was in a bit of a bad mood.
Fortunately an hour or two of isolation late at night, when everybody else was in bed, made me some good.
Thank $DEITY
for the night!
If only one didn't need to sleep…